(foto di Eric May)
E' uscito l'ultimo album di Levi Weaver, "The Letters of Dr. Kurt Gödel", ascoltabile e scaricabile qui.
L'ho conosciuto con questo video
Qui la sua fantastica versione di Idioteque dei Radiohead
Un suo piccolo film in nove minuti: What This Looks Like
Sul sito leviweaver.com si possono scaricare tutti i pezzi e leggere i testi
Qualcosa di lui:
(...) my dad was an ordained missionary to the rodeo cowboys, so we would all pile into a camper on the back of a pickup truck and just go from rodeo to rodeo, church to church. I mean, we had a home in Texas, but every summer we would leave around the end of May/first of June, and we wouldn't get back home until like October. The grass would be all grown up, and it was this huge ordeal to get the place looking liveable again. Everyone at the various churches used to be just amazed, like: 'Wow, how do you do that? You have a family of five living in a camper?' But to us, it was just normal. If you're raised from birth living like that, you don't realise just how abnormal it must seem to everyone. (...) My parents are absolute heroes. My dad for being so insistent on keeping his family with him, and not just leaving us for long periods of time to 'do the Lord's work'. For him, the Lord's work was to keep his family healthy, and to do that you have to keep them a huge priority, That has been a great example for me. When I think about being a musician, with the touring and the recording and just all the eventualities that will entail, I'm really grateful to have grown up under the example of my dad. My mom, I think, was probably everybody's hero - to be able to maintain a family atmosphere and keep a tiny little camper clean with three boys growing up in it, and to have us looking presentable every Sunday morning for a new church that would be meeting us for the first time, that was just huge and I never realised it until I was older. I think a lot of women looked up to my mom. Or pitied her. Maybe a lot of both.
(L'intervista qui)
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